The Improbable Dream
See the post before this one for reference. Plus I’ve been having some trouble with my Internet connection, so it took a while to get this posted. I hope the trouble clears up before tomorrow.
I don’t normally remember my dreams. I mean I rarely do. I remember waking up and remembering the gist of what happened, but they are rarely memorable enough to expend energy trying to remember them. In other words I usually dream pretty mundane stuff related to people and events of the day. I remember the occasional flying dream, though it was more like a slow glide. I also remember having dreams so realistic and vivid that I mistook the remembered dream for actual events later. Yeah that’s kind of disturbing. I’ve also incorporated sounds into my dreams. Anyway, while I was sick I had an awful night’s sleep. I was doped up on Advil liquigels. Which as an aside taking two liquigels on a fairly empty stomach chased by 2/5ths of a pot of coffee is like injecting it straight into your arm. It rocks. Anyway I had a dream so odd that I still remember the basic outline of it, which is more than I usually remember.
Where to begin. I was essentially four separate and distinct people, each with their own personalities and motivations. I rotated from one instance to another somewhat randomly. All of them existed in this ethereal mist, and each of them was forming or molding an object of some kind. The objects in question took the form of large black shapes constructed of protrusions of rectangular, cylindrical, and other geometric shapes and were several times the height of the person forming it and nearly twice as long as high. Interestingly each of the individuals pushed and pulled the forms using the power of an element; air, water, earth, and it think fire, but it could have been heat in general. For some reason the air and water instances were afraid of the earth instance. They seemed to fear he was building a weapon, though he and the rest of them didn’t really know what they were building. Consequently air and water had decided to ally themselves, and they were constructing their object for protection. That is even thought they didn’t know what they were building. Fire or heat or energy wasn’t afraid of earth or the other two, but it constructed its object, because it felt it needed to and as a “just in case” thing. As the construction continued the objects and individuals moved closer together in the mist. Tensions became greater as the impending whatever bore down on them. Then as the objects neared completion they got close enough that all four could see the objects at once. They realized they had been building four separate pieces of one thing. The final change was made to each of the four objects as they clicked into place, and I promptly woke up.
Tada. What’s really odd is that I remember feeling each of the distinct personalities and the emotional state of each. Then I was the air or water guys I truly feared the earth guy. And when I was the earth guy I couldn’t understand their irrational fear. I just wish I had gotten to see what the damned thing did. Maybe I was bringing conflicting parts of me into unison, or maybe just maybe I was running a temperature of 100+.
That's far weirder than any of my weird dreams of late. I salute you. I don't understand, but I salute nonetheless.
Unknown, at 12/04/2007 9:43 AM
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