An Ill Wind
Where has the time gone? Well friends you know how I’ve talked about having time I needed ot take off of work. Well I took two days for Thanksgiving. We got Thurs and Friday of course, but I added Tuesday and Wednesday. And low and behold what happens. I get sick Monday evening. Yay. I had fever, shakes and all my joints ached Monday night and part of Tuesday. Luckily I felt better Wednesday and went to my home town for Thanksgiving.
I came back to my house Saturday with a bit of a sinus headache. Sunday morning I felt somewhat better, but that all changed after noon. I started running a fever 100, got the shakes, was cold, and the pain in my sinuses started spreading. I had the symptoms of a sinus infection. Around time for bed I got terribly cold. I slept under my flannel sheets, electric blanket, comforter, and one of those velour type blankets. I woke up 3 times in need of medication to stop my head from splitting to the root. That was far worse than the abscess tooth I had.
Monday morning I felt alright, but I called in sick to work. I got well enough to go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription my doctor called in. It’s nice to have a small town doctor. Plus I had to go to class since it was a test review. Plus the professor has a “No Excused Absences” policy. I felt like trying to give him my disease for so callously encouraging sick people to spreading illness. Luckily I brought the Advil with me so that I could pop two in order to make it home after my head started aching again. Then I really got the cold and shakes again, fever 101+. I went to bed and had an awful night’s sleep and probably one of the oddest dreams I’ve ever had. I’ll tell you about that later.
I got up Tuesday feeling ok, but it got worse quickly. No work for me. I kept a fever of 100+ most of the day. I drank a full gallon of Gatorade on Mon and Tues. I stayed on the couch and rested. Tuesday night I popped a couple Advil for something I had to do and felt much better.
Wed I got up and nursed a 99+ temp all day, but I had to take an online test for class. And Thursday I was back at work. Those are the first sick days I’ve taking for illness in a long time, and the first 3 in a row ever. Turns out whatever it was has been going around.
Now let’s see if I can think of how to describe the dream.
Damn Lately! you need to get a flu shot next year. That's so scary-- I had a fever for a day 2 years ago and it was scary. Glad you're feeling better.
Rambling Speech, at 12/03/2007 9:48 PM
You know that's the first time I've ever gotten sick that bad, and it's the first time I've been sick more than 2 days in over 25 years. I work with the public. I've seen everyone else around me get sick year after year and 95+% of the time it bypasses me. Even when it didn't I was usually sick half the time they were, but this thing gave me a good butt whuppin. The fever was ok really. I got used to those when I'd miss 2 days of school Fall and Spring because of my allergies, and I kept an watch on it. It was my damned sinuses clogged up and the throbbing in my ear that killed me, and luckily that stopped after less than one day. I seriously think I got a sinus infection and a virus at the same time. Either that or that virus attacked in two distinct waves. I still don't consider myself a flu risk, but if my propensity for illness increases I'll reevaluate that.
Lucky Bob, at 12/03/2007 10:20 PM
Man, that sounds ugly. Glad you're on the mend, though. Sucks to get sick during Thanksgiving, I used to do it every year. How's the rest of the family--you didn't give it to them, did you?
No excused absences. So, what, if you're in a car accident and have to be rushed to the hospital, that's not excused? What a dork.
Unknown, at 12/04/2007 9:35 AM
You know, if you vacationed in Florida, you probably wouldn't get sick...
The Former Lepidopterist, at 12/13/2007 6:34 PM
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