Lately, No Donkeys

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Horrid Discovery

I made a truly horrid discovery this evening. I made French fries in my Fry Daddy the other day. I used the leftover oil to perform an experiment. I chopped and breaded some of my garden okra and drenched it in the hot oil of the Fry Daddy. That is when I made the horrid discovery. It makes pretty decent fried okra. Not great, but decent. I really need something with adjustable temperature control and experimentation with oils in order to make it great. Right now my standard oil is canola for saturated fat, smoke point, and flavor purposes. The horrid part is that it was way easier than pan frying, but that also diminishes the taste somewhat. Even though it wasn't quite like Mom makes, it's good enough to make a fried okra lover like myself contemplate making it every day. Add to that what looks to be an ample supply of okra coming from my garden, which seriously looks like it is going to be outrageous, and you have a recipe for making me fat. I must summon my willpower. That and I need to find time to prepare the okra for freezing.

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