Lately, No Donkeys

Friday, June 08, 2007

And so it begins...

Well this is one of the first pictures of a harvest. I included a Dr Pepper can for scale. I brought this stuff to work and gave quite a bit of it away. In honesty I've already harvested some squash, cukes, and 3 eggplants previously, but this is the first one that really felt like harvesting rather then picking one or two things for a friend. This stuff is growing fast. The squash are about 3-4 days of actual growth. They doubled in size each day. The same goes for the zucchini. It's crazy. And you can see the mutant conjoined squash on the right. It's just strange. I'm going to have to get a basket or something to carry this stuff in. The tomatoes haven't even really started to come in. Lord I'm gonna have my work cut out for me.

Well, now to get ready to go home and mow the grass.

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