Lately, No Donkeys

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cheaper but not easier by

I had some family come by the house yesterday to help in the yard. If I lived closer to my place of birth this might be a weekly occurrence , but as it is it only happens occasionally. I'll take any help I can get. They brought some additional garden plants by, and they helped mow and trim the yard. then they helped put out mulch in some of the beds. I'm glad they could come by, cause Lord knows I couldn't have gotten it done by myself. I've got some updated pics following in my rambling way.

This is that Painted Maple I bought last year. I's doing pretty good, and I expect it to grow a lot this year. We put some mulch around it, and I plan on watering it some. It has only been in the ground a few months.

This is what the front walk looks like now. I sprayed weed killer on the grass in the enclosed area. It was a Bermuda grass I think, and the rest of the yard is Centipede. That means it always grew three times faster that the rest of the yard, and it was never the same color. It was a pain to mow, and didn't do much for the yard's appearance. So I killed it, cut it short, put newspaper down as a weed stop, and put mulch on top of it. I think it looks a lot better. later I may put in a ground cover or something.

This is the evergreen shrub that was on the house side of the walk. Someone had planted it too close to the walk and the driveway. My bet is that there were two at one time and one died. However, if there had been two of that size there, it would have been quite difficult to get between them. I was thinking of moving it, but the root system was too extensive to expect it to survive the attempt. So I cut it down and ripped the stump out. This is the remains.

In place of that I planted two dwarf Crepe Myrtles that I got at the SC Botanical Garden sale last weekend. They were bitten by the frost, but are starting to put back out again. They will have the nice bronze looking leaves and in late summer they will have the nice red blossoms. I got my Godmother a few a couple years back and they make a nice showing.

Being lazy I had left my fall wreath up for far too long. Well someone took advantage of it and decided to build a nest on it. I've got another nest on a shelf in my garage, and a nuthatch is using a birdhouse next to the driveway. There're babies all over the place over here.

Last Fall I started a fern garden in my back yard. The previous owner had planted some hanging basket ferns in the ground and they appeared to be doing well. I picked up three ferns at the Botanical Garden sale and planted them in the same area. This one is an Eastern Wood Fern I believe. It's an evergreen native. You can see the old foliage under the new fronds. It's doing pretty good.

This is the second fern I got in the Fall. It's a Lady in Red. The stems of the fronds are a scarlet color. It's deciduous, so all this is this year's growth. It's a real beauty.

This is the last fern I got in the Fall, a Cinnamon Fern. It's deciduous as well, and the reproductive stalks are similar in color to cinnamon sticks. You can see one of the hanging basket ferns in the ground behind it.

This is one of this year's purchases. It's a Royal Fern. I put it at the back, because it's fronds can get 5 feet long or longer. I'm anxious for this one to grow.

This one i got at Lowe's of all places. It's a Japanese Painted Fern. I was struck by the coloration, but upon reading up on it, it's a pretty good fern. The only qualm is that it loses some of it's attractiveness in drought. Eh. I'll just have to give it a drink occasionally.

Now I'm off to do more things. A home owner's work is never done.

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