I like games. Yes I do.
I like games. How about you?
Ars Journals had another nice link up to PBS about a page they have up about gaming myths. The page is actually a small piece of a much larger pie about gaming history and influence. It’s actually a really good page, and as a plus it’s PBS. It does a good job of debunking the common myths non-gamers seem to have about gamers.
I give it another 10 years for the gaming generation to grow a little older and the whole controversy will have shifted to something else. It always strikes me as funny and sad that people can’t look at history and tell that gaming is the exact same thing that happened to television, hot rodding, and all sorts of other new activities that youth embraced more than their parents.
I could rant on about this subject, but the article covers it pretty much.
Did Ace work out?
Anyway, the PBS article is an interesting one and something that I should probably devote some time to thinking out a well documented and thought provoking response, however, I think that I will just say the same words that have probably been uttered by each and every generation when referring to the generation of their parents, "They just don't understand."
Rock and roll, movies, gangsta rap, hot rodding, long hair, video games, each generation believes that the previous does not understand them and therefore is being unreasonable in their assumptions of the current popular youth activities. I am certain that this will happen to me at some point and though it will not be nearly as bad as having a "Radio station for MY generation" or sporting a comb-over (the duty of my friends still stands), I will still have to sit down and reflect for a moment.
I leave you with the able words of Abe Simpson - "One day I was with It and then what It was changed, and now what is It is weird and scary to me, and one day, it will happen to YOU!"
"No way old man, I'm no square and I'll keep rockin' FOREVER!!!"
I give many props to Dexter, through all his thumb pressing and talk, he still participates in many of the activities of his kids, and to the best of my knowledge, plays video games with his son every night.
Way to go Dex.
Anonymous, at 12/15/2005 11:47 AM
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