Lately, No Donkeys

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Polymer Solvents

Well today we pretty good for me. I received word yesterday that the person who I hired to refinish the floor in two rooms wanted to start this morning, a full week ahead of schedule. I had some down time at work, and I found an inexpensive replacement part for a piece of equipment that could have held up an install at work. Of course given the visit by the flooring guy I’m sitting in a house that smells of polyurethane fumes. I can live with that if it means I’ll get the floors done. So for now I’m sitting in me bedroom with all my stuff shoved into half a house. I can’t wait until I can retake my den in the name of living space.

As an aside I mowed half my garden today. The previous owners couldn’t devote time to it over the past year or so. The entire thing is overgrown with abandoned plants, grass, and a huge crop of giant marigolds. I mowed it down, so the sun could kill some of it. Then I’m going to cover the area with a tarp to kill the rest. I prefer that to spraying the area. Oh and an abandoned cantaloupe plant yielded a fruit. I’ll find out what it tastes like tomorrow.

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  • I think it's very neat your house has the hardwood floors. Will you go rug shopping? I've never bought a rug specifically for a floor in our house, so that would be nice some day. Oh, and Murphy's Wood Soap works real well, but you probably knew that.

    My relatives in Pendleton gave me two blueberry bushes. My dad planted them for me in the 10x4 strip of our side yard that gets absolutely no sun ever. Then the neighbor's lawn service sprayed one. (But it came back! Plucky little thing.) The other one yielded exactly 8 blueberries this summer that I noticed before the birds. They were lovely, but it's a darn good thing my household will most likely never depend on its own efforts to raise food for survival.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/09/2006 10:39 AM  

  • I want to know how the canteloupe was. What are you planning to put in the garden, if anything?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8/12/2006 11:36 AM  

  • Well the canteloupe was as I expected. It had a good flavor, but I started watering a little too late and too much too fast. So the flavor and sweetness was diluted. I'm hoping the next ones fair a little better. As far as what's going in it, I'm thinking the requisite tomatoes (3+ varieties which is odd since I don't eat raw tomatoes much), ocra, corn?, squash of some kind, cucumber, sunflowers, maybe watermellon, carrots, and maybe other stuff.

    By Blogger Lucky Bob, at 8/12/2006 10:28 PM  

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