Too much time.
I've been to this web site before, but I had forgotten it's location. I was reminded of it today and I sought it out. It's pretty fun for those that watched too many sicoms int heir past. The first time I went there I chose Vicki the robot girl from Small Wonder. The darned thing got it right to. anyway, a small diversion on this slowly passing day.
It guessed me when I was Idi Amin of Uganda, and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna of Mexico, and Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama. But I stumped it with Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay, Joao Bernardo Vieira of Guinea-Bissau, and Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola. We're tied. I have to think of another dictator...
Unknown, at 7/15/2005 10:40 PM
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