Ha. We beat Texas.
My understanding is that pedophilia has proven most resistant to eradication in an individual. The most effective, and most instances only, long term means of stopping repeat offenders is to remove all possibility or opportunity for the person to commit a repeat offense. That usually means prolonged incarceration or removal to locations without child populace. The question is whether people who go out of their way to repeat offend, don’t want to stop, and have irreparably damaged the lives of multiple children should be locked away forever, or should they be put to death.
Frankly I don’t know. It’s really expensive to lock people up forever. I would entertain the idea that they help offset some of the cost of their incarceration. Anyway, it’ll probably get shot down as unconstitutional, or it won’t pass at all.
Hmm. I'd have to review the Supreme Court decision that legalized the death penalty in the first place to see whether this could possibly fly. Almost certainly it will end up at the Court eventually no matter what. Maybe that's the point--like the abortion ban South Dakota passed recently. What is it with states named South?
Unknown, at 3/29/2006 8:20 PM
Duh. It's an even numbered year, and everyone feels ok hating child rapists. It's like using Nazis as the bad guys in video games. You have to point towards something to distract people from real issues.
Lucky Bob, at 3/29/2006 9:03 PM
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